Testimonials /顾客好评
“Very professional newborn photography service provided by Jiena. She have been super nice, patient and gentle throughout the whole process. And we are very satisfied and happy with the photos she took for our little girl. Highly recommended”
— Ting Nee, Batu Pahat
“非常值得推荐的拍摄公司,把我的宝宝拍得萌萌哒的!每张照片都好美的说。宝宝拍摄前晚哭闹得很厉害,我还担心会影响拍摄,哪里知道是我多心了。他们家的道具真的是太非一般了! 谢谢Jiena和帅哥助理.”
— Xiang Xiang, Muar Johor
“很喜欢Jiena的拍摄,看到我孩子的照片真的很喜欢很喜欢。之前大宝找到不适合的摄影师,结果成品很失望。所以我做了很多research, 当看到Jiena拍的照片,我觉得就是我要的,我就马上跟她预约。结果宝贝拍出来的效果真的很可爱,很萌 期待我的下一胎,一定还会找Jiena再帮我宝宝拍.”
— Yan Ling, Johor Bahru
“Jiena is a photographer with very a good patience and great handling skill on newborn baby. It is an uneasy job to photoshoot a new born baby, photographer have to calm baby down before proceed with photo shooting. Jiena has shown her professionalism, patience in handling newborn baby. Thus, I highly recommended her for those who wish to keep the precious moment of newborn. During the photo shooting my baby poop on her outfit and she helping me to clean his poop without any complaint and feeling uneasy ....”
— Fannfann, Singapore
“很满意little sleeping baby newborn photography的作品和服务 很细心的为宝宝整理造型 哄她睡觉 还有把宝宝拍的很可爱 整个过程我都很放心的把宝宝交给jiena
— Qiu Trong, Batu Pahat
“謝謝jiena美女摄影师真的很有爱心和耐心整个拍摄过程换照型baby喂奶baby哭闹通通都是她亲自上阵都不需要我们出手他们家是我在宝宝还没出生就决定用他们了因为我的宝宝是早产 很多东西时间都是突然的 她都能够尽量配合我们真心推荐!”
— Yean, Serom
每個動作都會很小心翼翼地去做!不会让宝宝感到不舒服 她哄寶寶的方式很溫柔 所以很放心交給她!
若有打算为新生儿拍照留恋的话 可以向她詢問與預約喔!”
— Ah Fang,Batu Pahat